Updating softwares...

Feb 6, 2006
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just to make a bit stranger there was no windows nt 1 or 2 nt started at nt 3.1 then 3.5 and 3.51 windows nt 4 is windows nt 3 with the windows 95 shell
windows 2000 is the first real nt version

windows 95 is 4.950
windows 98 is 4.950.1998
windows 98 se is 4.950.2222
and windows me is 4.950.3000

confused yet ?
Oct 8, 2006
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This discussion has derailed, not the least because of me, so if we're confusing the hell out of anyone not interested in the technicalities around version numbers, I'm sorry.

just to make a bit stranger there was no windows nt 1 or 2 nt started at nt 3.1 then 3.5 and 3.51 windows nt 4 is windows nt 3 with the windows 95 shell
windows 2000 is the first real nt version

windows 95 is 4.950
windows 98 is 4.950.1998
windows 98 se is 4.950.2222
and windows me is 4.950.3000

confused yet ?

Sorry, but you're wrong, in two out of three points. It's true that NT started out at 3.1 (to have a similar version number as the regular - DOS based - Windows, probably so that customers wouldn't think "but this one has a higher number, so it must be better" when in fact the opposite was true (in a security/corporate sense, not for the home user)), but NT 3.1 was still very much NT in that it was built on a true 32-bit core (though it had and has a 16-bit subsystem to be able to run some 16-bit programs, it's not built on a base of 16-bit DOS as the consumer version was until, and including, Me) and made to be relatively easily portable (rumour says that it was developed for the vapourware N-Ten CPU, but ported to 386 when it was clear that the N-Ten wouldn't come in a reasonable time frame).

Quote from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q158238/:
To determine the version of Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me that you are running:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. In Control Panel, double-click System.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Locate the version number under the System heading and then see the following table:

Release                    Version                      File dates
Windows 95 retail, OEM     4.00.950                     7/11/95
Windows 95 retail SP1      4.00.950A                    7/11/95-12/31/95
OEM Service Release 2      4.00.1111* (4.00.950B)       8/24/96
OEM Service Release 2.1    4.03.1212-1214* (4.00.950B)  8/24/96-8/27/97  
OEM Service Release 2.5    4.03.1214* (4.00.950C)       8/24/96-11/18/97
Windows 98 retail, OEM     4.10.1998                    5/11/98
Windows 98, Security CD    4.10.1998A 
Windows 98 Second Edition  4.10.2222A                   4/23/99
Windows 98 SE Security CD  4.10.2222B
Windows Me                 4.90.3000                    6/08/00
Windows Me Security CD     4.90.3000A
Jan 23, 2007
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Hi there,

10.4 is not available as a legal download, unless you are a Developer.

Apples general pricing policy... ie

If you buy version 10.3 then you get all the updates free till 10.3.9

10.4 would then be a 'paid for' upgrade. So if you upgrade to 10.4 you will get all the updates to 10.4.9



I have download 10.4 from Apple website (apple.com ). is that illegal? and also, i'm not a developer. :confused:
anyway, there is no doubt that i have to pay then. okay,
thanks everyone.:) :)

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Cheetah is 10 thru 10.0.4
Puma is 10.1 thru 10.1.5
Jaguar is 10.2 thru 10.2.8

Panther is 10.3 thru 10.3.9
Tiger is 10.4 thru 10.4.8 (currently)

Leopard will be 10.5

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