iBook G4 -Kernel Panic

Apr 12, 2006
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Well i called him and he said that they are the real deal. I of course, examined the disks when I had them to try and make it boot over the last few days, and I didn't think they were copies. They definatly looked like the real deal/"proper" to me. He also told me he borrowed them from another friend on campus w/...I would assume an older computer...thinking they would work... but I didnt think to ask.
As you can see, he isn't very educated as to how it works either. He got it because of the media applications that are availible w/ it that Windows doesn't offer. (Our Communications departmenmt recommended to him for his major and the things he is involved w/)
I guess the next step would be for him to go about getting a copy of 10.4.3. I wont have access to the MAC itself until early next week when I get back to campus to check the serial numbers and such, but that does seem to be the most logical root to take because I am convinced that the disks he borrowed are legit.
How is it that you are able to check serial numbers to match operating systems? Is there a way I would be able to have access to this information as well. I very much enjoy having all of these sources of information to tap into. And again, even though I haven't had true success yet, I have more knowledge and a true appriciation for a machine i used to have no use for. Anything you can give me in this regard would be fantastic!
Thanks again for all of your imput and help
Apr 25, 2006
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Hi there,

Here is the easy answer. :-D I tried something similiar at my own so I can tell you the problem. In the kernel panic screen you posted a few days ago, it says your machine ID is Powerbook6,7 at it can´t find any driver (cause they are in the trash). That means you have the latest revison of an iBook. This version has a newer VideoCard than the version that runs till july 2005. There are some other differences between these two versions but irelevant for your problem. You killed the machine (or better your roommate) with the "recyclebin-gimmick". And now comes the problem. The system won´t boot at all. And you can´t boot it from the Panther CD´s or any other 10.3.x CD or system on a FW-Drive. You need the original iBook CD´s sold with this book (not the ones from a previous version) or a single-version Tiger. On this book, IMHO, Panther will never run. I have tried it for days till I give up. :-(

Hope that helped.
Apr 12, 2006
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Thank you so much for that insight...
I have no idea how to get about getting the original disks. I would assume that they would be impossible to get seeing as the iBook itself was bought off Craigs List...and I didn't personally have anything to do w/ the transaction...it was only passed off to me to work on.
Tell me more of this single-version Tiger. I would have to assume that it is an operating system?
Also...what about another copy of 10.4.3.? Would it be bootable from another copy of that? I mean if the components were built for a specific operating system...does it have to be the exact original disks to make the operating system work?
Thanks again for your thoughts on all this...:)
Apr 25, 2006
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Okay, little more inside views. :-D
If you can´t get the original disks that probably contain some kind of tiger, e.g. 10.4.3 or something else, you should buy a normal tiger version in the next macstore. Another way is to go to the next apple support dealer and ask if you can get a new set of disks for your book, cause in some case they are gentle and do so. (Tried at my own. Send my girlfriend with a big smile and playing blond. Story like your dog eat the disk. works! :-D )
And a little excurse. In OS 9, any system, once it was installed, was special and won´t run on another machine (in most cases). OSX is some kind of "all-in-one" system, meaning any new, full, single version (single version means you have a version that don´t comes with any hardware) contains any driver and things your machine needs. Things your system don´t need are not loaded, but they are present. So, you can install and setup a new g5 with tiger and than take this g5 as volume, clone the system to your book and it will work.
Now the tricky part. I don´t know how firm you are, but here is a solution.
1. Search for someone who has a g5 or something else that cames with a tiger (min. 10.4.3 or higher).
2. Start your iBook with pressed "T" till a firewire symbol is on the display
3. Start the other machine from your friend with the "C" pressed, and the install CD inserted.
4. The "friend-machine" will boot from cd and let you install a new machine
5. connect the ibook with a firewirecabel to the "friend-machine"
6. CAREFULL!! In the installscreen of the friendmachine select your ibook-drive as destination for your installation. in the options you can select: "Erase and install as new" Do so, but be sure to kill the right drive, cause your friend will kill you if you bless his systemdisk.
6.1 If the ibook drive is not shown in the install screen, try to connect it befor you boot the "friend-machine".
7. Install the system as you like on the drive.
8. After reboot, do all Updates to the machine do be sure you have all drivers for the hardware that comes out after the date of the system you have installed.
9. That all might needs some time and many reboots. Be sure that the "friend-machine" always boot from the ibook-drive after first installation. You can force that if you press "alt" at boot and select the ibookdrive as bootdrive.
10. Now you should have a g5 or something else that is booting from an ibook drive and ist fully installed with tiger and all the stuff your book needs.
11. Shutdown all machines and start the ibook. First startup might needs some more time, but should work.
12. You got it. Install and configure your new ibook and be happy.
13. It´s now a good moment to use some kind of clone software to make a bootable backup of your system because you don´t have the right install-disks. You can get such a tool at www.bombich.com

Okay, I hope that all was usefull and you understand what I mean. :-D

I hope my english is not too scrapy, because german is my first language. :-D
Apr 12, 2006
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Hey...thanks again for your help! And your English is stellar just so you know...

Just a few things to ensure that we are on the same page on the operating system. Because of the components that came w/ the iBook G4...(i.e. the video card and I'm sure other hardware)...older versions of other operating systems such as OS X Panther will NOT work. If I am reading you correctly, you then inferred that OS X Tiger is what the MAC is in need of? And if that is the case...it needs to be version 10.4.3 or higher.
Once the proper operating system is attained, I need to use another MAC/iBook G4 (because my roommates iBook is a G4) or a G5 and try and boot from the disk like that.

If I am errorous in any of these thoughts, please correct me so ensure that I can do this right. Thanks again to adding to my education...and I know my roommate appriciates the help as well!
Apr 25, 2006
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...Because of the components that came w/ the iBook G4...(i.e. the video card and I'm sure other hardware)...older versions of other operating systems such as OS X Panther will NOT work.
Thats right, but ANY Version lower than 10.4.3 wont work.

Yes, Tiger is what the machine needs.

Okay, thats two different ways. If you have a roommate with a machine to boot from and with any kind of tiger (10.4.x) you can use my tricky way. But you have to update immediately to 10.4.6 befor first stand alone boot to ensure you have drivers for the ibooks keyboard and trackpad. (they are not included in 10.4.3 or lower.

The other way to bring the book back to life is to buy a brand new version of tiger in the single box. Make sure that you get the newest version (let the dealer open the box for you to check that) Thats the easy way, because you can Install the machine from discs and no tricky parts. Hehe


May 14, 2004
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Just to add to rybacks excellent comments: (welcome ryback !)

Apologies, in your initial post I didn't spot the reference to "PowerBook 6,7" !!!

All iBooks previous to this model can run Panther !

This doc explains why you shouldn't install older versions:

This doc tells you what versions 'should' work with what Mac !

Your model "PowerBook6,7 is also known as "iBook G4 (Mid 2005)" so as ryback correctly states you won't be able to run Panther on it !

10.4.2 is the earliest that will run !


Apr 12, 2006
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Thank you both for all your insight...and for those documents!
Because of the wealth of knoweldge I have gained from your help...I've been able to converse and explore ideas about computers in general that I hadn't had the knowledge to do before.
I'm confident that once my roommate procures all the necessary tools to actually make this thing work...i.e. the proper disks, that I can get this iBook operational again. I'll keep you up to date as to when it is actually fixed...and know that you guys have a convert. Up until recently I saw no use for the MAC machine at all. Though I have yet to fix it, i have a new appriciation for the machine and what it has to offer.
Thanks again:)
Apr 12, 2006
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I got the iBook up and running. My roommate borrowed a friends version to make it thru the end of the semester...but will be upgrading shortly there after.
There is one kink in the whole endeavor though. I cannot seem to get the touchpad mouse to work...nor the single button? I tried going into the preferences...but in the mouse portion it doesn't even recognize the touch pads existance? Is there a driver missing?
He has a mouse to use on it...but it isn't a MAC one. It'll make due though for now.
Thanks for the imput in advance!


May 14, 2004
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Hi there,

so what version have you got running on it now ?

Can you post a screen grab of the Keyboard & Mouse Preference Pane ?


Apr 12, 2006
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The version that he got to put on here was MAC OS X Tiger 10.4.
Based on what I have learned here and what I have gathered from my own study of the machine, is that this version is not totally up to snuff. It needs to be 10.4.3 correct?
Like i said b4, it's a temporary patch thru the end of the semester...but if what I'm looking at here is correct...this version is not the one that is needed.
And I apologize...i cannot post a grab screen due to it's none internet connectivity right at the moment.
Thanks again...

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