This was the source of the problem, thanks again for helping me through some of the details!
It seems you skipped a step....
"To install the linux/unix/mac arhive:
* save the archive to a suitable directory:
* to decompress, type at the command prompt: tar zxf ima2-8.26.11.tar.gz
* move to the ima2-8.26.11 directory {{AHA!!!}}
* type at the command prompt: ./configure
* then: make
* the execuable (called 'IMa2') will be in the src directory
The Rutgers staff assume a lot. They want to talk geek, use non-standard terms, and expect you to understand. There term "move to" is very non-standard. Should be "change directory to". The command is like this....
cd ima2-8.26.12
All the best
It seems you skipped a step....
"To install the linux/unix/mac arhive:
* save the archive to a suitable directory:
* to decompress, type at the command prompt: tar zxf ima2-8.26.11.tar.gz
* move to the ima2-8.26.11 directory {{AHA!!!}}
* type at the command prompt: ./configure
* then: make
* the execuable (called 'IMa2') will be in the src directory
The Rutgers staff assume a lot. They want to talk geek, use non-standard terms, and expect you to understand. There term "move to" is very non-standard. Should be "change directory to". The command is like this....
cd ima2-8.26.12
All the best