Can't open a folder on my wife's Mac even though it appears that I have access

Mar 13, 2016
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I copied a big folder from my iMac to my wife's iMac. It is within her Music folder. When I use finder to see her Mac, I see that the Music folder has an eject button next to it. I open it and see a folder with a red minus sign on it, and if I click on it I get a window saying "The folder “kJams Library” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents.". I get info on it, and it shows both myself and everyone with read and write access.

When I go to her computer, she can't read that folder either. When I look at her Sharing & Permissions, shows fetching Read & Write, and everybody Read & Write.
Screenshot 2022-10-27 at 3.25.20 PM.png

Other folders don't have that issue. I can delete "Fetching..." and open the folder, but some of the folders inside that are still fetching. Or I can go to the music folder, select my wife's ID and apply it to everything inside.

I can do that each and every time I copy the folder to her computer, but I'd rather not.

Any idea what's happening?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
  • Did you copy the folder logged in as her user in the File Sharing connection?
  • How large is the folder?
  • Where in the Music folder did you copy it to?
Mar 13, 2016
Reaction score
I have tried copying it various ways with the same result. I just carried it over on a removable drive. I copied "/Users/howardjbrazee/Music/kJams" to the SSD, then I copied that folder to her music folder (I don't understand *where*, I just copied it to the folder). It appeared to work, but her "/Users/PatBrazee/Music/kJams/kJams Library" folder has a red minus on it. The folder that I can't read should be 759,839,704 bytes, of the 9,479,082,910 bytes that I copied.

Looking at her folders from my computer, that red-minus folder shows zero bytes. (She's using her computer right now). But if I go over to her computer and change Sharings and Permissions for the folder and everything inside it, everything will show up correctly. I can't do that from my Mac, probably because it shows my ID.

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