Where are signatures in Preview?

Sep 25, 2015
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OK, in Preview, I can annotate signatures. I've got a few available there. Nice. But where exactly are they?? I would assume they are jpegs, no? If so, those jpegs must be sitting in some folder somewhere.
Sep 25, 2015
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OK, never mind. I believe the signatures are encrypted, so you can't export or import them digitally. Frankly, I don't understand why they're encrypted. You have to log in as me to even get a jpeg from my system. If my signature were a jpeg owned by me, you wouldn't be able to get it if you weren't logged in as me.

The Signature app on Preview would be handy for emplacing more than signatures. If I could emplace any jpeg with Signature, I could use it to "stamp" a pdf document with some logo. I don't believe Preview offers any other way of doing that.
Nov 1, 2017
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If you click on the Signature button you get the option to create a signature. It's then stored for future use.
Sep 25, 2015
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Yes, but that wasn't my question. As I said, I HAVE signatures that I once made. My question was whether the files are accessible in a cogent format and where they are stored. If I want my "signature" to be a logo, or a symbol, I've got to draw it with a writing utensil and take a picture of it???? This would be a vastly more useful tool if one could use it to emplace any jpeg in a pdf, instead of just a sketch of something. The answer seems to be that they are not in a convenient format and encrypted up the kazoo as well.

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