
Dec 3, 2017
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Hi, new here and looking for some help if possible?

Over the last couple of days, my iMac 27 has become unusable, hanging all the time and generally being a pain in the rear.

Having looked at Activity Monitor it appears usereventagent is using ALL of the RAM :/ looking into it it comes up as launchd (1)

Any suggestions?
Sep 17, 2014
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Need some more information:

1. What exact iMac model do you have?

2. What exact Mac OS are you using?

3. Have you ever done any disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs? You actually can do a lot of disk cleanup on your own, and there are some excellent programs available (both free and commercial) that can help you with those tasks.

4. This is critical: are you making backups to an external device? If (hopefully) you are, what software are you using for that process?
Dec 14, 2017
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I’m actually having the same problem. One day everything was fine and the next day after checking activity monitor I saw that 7 of 8gb of memory was being used. I did some clean up and that still hasn’t resolved the problem. I had to stop using my external hard drive a few months ago because I ran out of space so I won’t have one until I’m able to buy a new one.

I’m thinking I’m going to have to reboot it from my old external hd. Hopefully that will clear up any of my problems.
Sep 17, 2014
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A couple of things:

1. What exact Mac OS are you currently using?

2. For the external drive, which "cloning" software did you use, SuperDuper! or Carbon Copy Cloner?

3. When you made that bootable backup, what Mac OS was on the machine at that time?

As you might know, after rebooting your machine from that bootable external drive, you can use Disk Utility there to Verify and Repair the internal drive on your Mac. But, it seems to be a software issue. So, after you download and save the applicable "Install macOS Whatever" file from the App Store (you can do that via your bootable backup), use Disk Utility to Erase and Format your internal drive, then launch that "Install macOS Whatever" file you just downloaded, perform a fresh, clean, "virgin" installation of that Mac OS, and then, via Migration Assistant (you'll be offered to do this), "migrate"/copy needed "stuff from your backup.

Of course, you'll lose any recent "things" you have done from your Mac. Maybe you could try and save as much of that recent stuff as you can to the backup. Myself, I would do that with my Quicken Account file, any software updates that I downloaded, etc.

Also, are you positive that all your third party apps are compatible with the OS you are using on your Mac (and what you were using when the backup was made)?