Update for OS 10.12.6 not working


Jul 23, 2022
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I got to keep my computer (MacBook Air 13-inch, 2017) from my old job and I wasn't able to update it because there was an old program they needed to run on it. Now that I don't need that program I want to update my system but I can't figure out how to do it. Any ideas?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

Do you know if they installed any Mobile Device Management (MDM) or security software on the Mac? If so, you may need to have them uninstalled and/or erase the Mac completely.

That model does support macOS 12.5 Monterey. Try looking in the App Store application and search for Monterey. You should then be abel to download and install it when signed in with an Apple ID. As a side note, some older software versions may not run under Monterey, so you may need to update or pay for an upgrade to the latest versions.

How to upgrade to macOS Monterey

Also, it is strongly recommended to have a Time Machine or other backup of your data before upgrading. You will need at least 26 GB of free space, since you are running macOS Sierra currently.


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