Time Machine backup is 10.6.8. New computer is running 10.6.

Jul 19, 2024
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Should I update new iMac to 10.6.8 before restoring from backup, or can I just restore from backup. Also the old iMac disk couldn’t be repaired without restarting from another startup disk. Couldn’t get dvd drive to mount to do that. So the most recent time backup is a backup of a computer having unfixed problems. Should I instead backup from an older Time Machine Backup that existed before the problems started?
Mar 28, 2024
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Hey Chippetta1,

If your old iMac was having issues that couldn't be fixed without restarting from another startup disk, restoring from an older Time Machine backup that predates the problems might be safer. This way, you'll avoid bringing any unresolved issues over to your new iMac.

Regarding the update to 10.6.8, it’s generally a good idea to ensure your new iMac is fully updated before restoring from a backup. This ensures compatibility and reduces the chance of running into issues during the restoration process. So, I’d recommend updating to 10.6.8 first, then restoring from the older, known-good backup.

Hope this helps!

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