Thank you for the kind comments, Allen! Not sure if guru is applicable, though!
I like Opera also, although it seems to have slowed down somewhat when I have used it with High Sierra. Google Chrome and Firefox should work fine with Sierra (they also work good with High Sierra).
Given that you are making a rather large "leap" in going from OS 10.9.5 to OS 10.12.6, Allen's advice is VERY sound in this case. Whether you remove all the "stuff" associated with Chrome and Firefox before you do the backup, or after you do the backup (but before the installation of Sierra), you should use the excellent freeware program AppCleaner, available from here:
It does an excellent job of finding about 90 to 95% (sometimes 100%, depending on the application) of files/folders, etc. associated with an application that you want to delete/remove. For the remainder that it does not find, you can use a search tool to find the rest. Just use the app's name as the search term. The Mac OS includes Spotlight, but I prefer the excellent freeware program EasyFind, available form here:
By the way, I assume you plan on doing a clean, fresh installation of Sierra (especially with such a large leap of the Mac OS), which means you should have the file. "Install macOS Sierra" already downloaded. Using either Carbon Copy Cloner (an excellent product, by the way!) or SuperDuper! (I use it, and it works very well) will make the entire process smooth. If you need any further assistance with that, let us know, and we can guide you through the process.