Since a little more than a year my mid 2012 macbookpro becomes very hot after I visited a youtube and stays hot after that.
Only re-installing OS cures that, until I accidentally open a link to Youtube and it starts all over again until i again re-install OS.
The repair shop say that is a problem only for some of the mid 2012 pro and have no othersolution as re-installing OS
Is there a patch available what prevent this from happening?
Can it help to use adaption software and install more actual OS then Catalina (10.15) or will it become even worse when doing that?
Hope someone can help me out
(mid 2012 MacbookPro 15 inch Retina, 2,3ghz i7, 8gb, 256ssd)
Only re-installing OS cures that, until I accidentally open a link to Youtube and it starts all over again until i again re-install OS.
The repair shop say that is a problem only for some of the mid 2012 pro and have no othersolution as re-installing OS
Is there a patch available what prevent this from happening?
Can it help to use adaption software and install more actual OS then Catalina (10.15) or will it become even worse when doing that?
Hope someone can help me out
(mid 2012 MacbookPro 15 inch Retina, 2,3ghz i7, 8gb, 256ssd)
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