Numbers (& Pages) arbitrarily changes font size when unmerging cells

Aug 17, 2016
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Hi everyone, I hope your day is going better than mine. Because today I'm using Numbers.

I really like Numbers in its '09 version, its graphics, the way it can be used, and I'm dissatisfied with its slowness (can't even say low speed) but meh, whatever.
But there is something that really annoys me. It's the fact that for text it's a terrible, terrible tool.
Sometimes, I use Numbers for tables that contain a lot of text because I need Numbers' table managing features + a visible layout that's not limited to the A4 size. Well, there are some really annoying things in this. Here are some:

- Everytime I unmerge some cells, our master and commander Numbers decides that the size of the font in ONLY ONE OF THE TWO resulting cells will be larger than the previous, no matter what size the WHOLE DAMN REST of the document is. What annoys me is that it seems to do that only to annoy me: in a 9 pt document, the resulting cell will be 10 pt, and in a 10 pt document it will be 12 pt. Trolling?
- The same also happens when you create new cells and when you cut (not copy) text from a cell. The emptied cell sometimes–it seems to be random, although our lord Numbers probably has a plan–changes its font size to 12, and again, I have to set the size back to what it was. I have solved this by copying and deleting, but considering that I have bought an expensive machine and its expensive software, I would expect higher standards!
- Again, sometimes and randomly, the Alt+direction doesn't move the cursor to the beginning or the end of a word; it creates a cell instead. I know this is how it works when you have selected a cell, and that's smart. But when I'm INSIDE the cell, typing text, and then I need to correct the previous word, I usually press Alt+left and the cursor moves to that word. However, sometimes and RANDOMLY (I assure you!) this just stops working. A new cell will be created. Ans it's soooooooo annoying because I don't even close the document in the meanwhile: I'm using the Alt+left thing to move the cursor around for hours, then I save the doc, and after that it just doesn't work anymore. Am I a very distracted person forgetting that I change settings every now and then, or what?!

When you need a smooth workflow, such things can distress you. And I really need a smooth workflow, so I'm really distressed right now.
Does anybody know why our master Numbers has no mercy?
Or, do you know if the new Numbers has the same problems?
Or, at least, does anyone know if there is a way to avoid this? For example, I noticed that adding cells in a table going upwards is different than doing it downwards, so I was wondering if there are some ways I haven't tried in order to solve the "unmerge cells" mistake (which is a mistake, let's say it straight).

Thank you to anyone who will share some ideas.

Oh yea, and let me say the classical final thing we use in these cases: after turning down the iPhone as a stupid, dictatorial device, I am considering moving to any OS that Google will make for PC's. It preserves the freedom that Mac was known for in the past, which is now totally gone.
(disclaimer: Android sucks too, despite the developments in AI, these machines are just idiot phone operators).

Sorry for the angry post, but I needed to release some of my frustration before going back to ruining my day with our emperor Numbers.

OK, now I'm done.
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Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
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I am sorry to hear about your frustration. Numbers is a much more basic spreadsheet application than Microsoft Excel. And, it is usually easier to use because of the design philosophy differences between Apple and Microsoft. However, if you are used to the workflow in Excel, then Numbers may seem foreign and complicated.

-Which version of OS X?
-Which model Mac?
-Have you tried using Paste and Match Style instead of Paste? That may solve part of the font sizing issue.
-Not sure why Alt+direction doesn't work all of the time...maybe an issue with the keyboard?
-Google OS (Chromebook computers) is actually a far more closed system, as you cannot install any third-party software. This limits you to Google's cloud-based environment - Google Chrome, Google Drive, and Google Apps. Not that there is anything wrong wth them at all - many people would benefit from their simplicity.

We'll see if we can get your issues resolved. Hang in there.

Aug 17, 2016
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Dear Cory,

I had read about you and I feel lucky you have found me before I could manage to find you. Thank you very much for your assistance. And for your understanding of my frustration too :)

- I use Mac OSX 10.6.8 (never felt like switching up to newer OS's because I simply don't like the phone-like looks and feel) on a MacBook Pro bought in late 2010.
- I will definitely use the Paste&Macth Style function, it sounds so smart I wonder why I rarely did so.
- The Alt+direction problem, although it might be a paradox, it's a big relief to know it's not a common issue. I'll check if I have similar problems with other applications.

Thank you for the useful hints, this will solve some problems.

I'll read the other answers you were so kind to give me.


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