Macbook pro: Constant external interference

May 23, 2024
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Hi. for about three years I have been plagued by interference on m,y Macbook pro,. or should I say Macbopok pros,. as I have got through about ficve of them in that period. The people doing this, seem to have some spectacular grudge/ dislike of me. But it just doesnt stop. I dont want to use the word "hack" because I think it has a specific meaning. But I have found keyboard loggers on the laptop; I had a version of a Nord VPN which was impossible to remoove. I was told its more likely to be a network issue. but I cannot see anyone additional on my network; All the sharing options are switched off and I have used Screen Time on button everything down. But I still daren't use bluetooith and renders the whole things almost useless. Worse I am self emplotyed and absolutely need some kind of network security which seems almost impossible to deliver.
I am currently trying to write about my experiences , but the attackers make Word impossible to use. It slows down to a standstill with a spinning wheel.
I am utterly utterlty sick of these vandals who have no concept of consent, data privacy,and theft.
Can anyone help:
-What are my legal options vis a vis a level of evidence from te laptop itself;
-The only thing left, in my view is Developer access,. but does this happen?. Do developefrs occassional join te dark side.?
IU would appreciate any help. The briader harrassmentrand intimidation of whjich this is part is detroying my life


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