Do you remember what you were doing prior to this happening, IE on YouTube etc. Also I take it that the dock will not reappear when the cursor is placed at the bottom of the screen.
Personally this has never happened to me, but think first you need to find out if the dock is actually running, so use this command ps -aux. (make sure terminal is expanded horizontally), and you should see an entry something like this bearing in mind Im on a Macbook Pro.
MacBookPro:~ abennett$ ps -aux | grep Dock
abennett 950 0.0 -0.3 244928 5976 ?? S 8:22PM 0:00.31 /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock -psn_0_14155777
Also have you tried killing the dock if not here is the command ( killall Dock ) without brackets. But please check the above first and post back.