Invalid Node Structure

Nov 26, 2008
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Any idea if this is a hardware or software problem and hoe would I go about fixing it? Thanks!!!
Jul 21, 2007
Reaction score
Any idea if this is a hardware or software problem and hoe would I go about fixing it? Thanks!!!

Hello, if you haven't already, the first thing to do, would be to back up your files. After your files are backed up you can try repairing the disk by using Disk Utility which is located in the utilities folder inside of the Applications folder or you can also use Disk Utility booted up with the Mac OSX Installation Disk. If Disc Utility is unsuccessful, you can try using Disk Warrior. If Disk Warrior fails as well, you could try doing an "Erase and Install" of the operating system and if this don't work you might want to send your Mac out for repairs.
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks, I actually went through the whole Disk Warrior scan, and it failed saying there was invalid node structure. I wiped the disk and set everything to zero, reinstalled and reloaded. It worked fine for a bit, but when it starts up OSX now, it loads and then freezes on a blue blank screen...wasn't sure if it was corrupt data I inadvertantly reloaded or if it a hardware issue. Time to send it out for repairs I guess...thanks again!

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