Introduce yourself !


May 14, 2004
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If your new here and would like to say hello, then post here !

Tell us a little about yourself (if you want !)

What you like, dislike, favourite music, films anything you want !

Where you're from, where you want to go... get the idea !

Thanks to Kyomii for the suggestion !


Jan 15, 2006
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It would interesting if every member took time to introduce himself. Getting to know people is certainly part of all this.
Personnally I retired from a stressfull job to a quiet peace of land I own in Quebec, Canada. Life here is much simpler and we are happier being away from the big city. When I moved here I got rid of my PC and bought a Mac, I suppose this was part of the big cleanup I was doing. Never looked back.
I'm married to a great gal, care for three dogs and own two tractors (if Macs could last as long as those little Fords).
That wraps it up, who's next ?
Jan 16, 2006
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I'm next :)

Thanks Ric ! I think it will help to break the ice ;)

Well, where do I begin? I am married with four children - I was bad in my last life :D

I suffer from disability due to Lupus/Fibro/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so it is rare for me to be awake this time of the day :eek:

I moved to Mac about two years ago after having PCs for 5 years. I also used to build and fix a lot of computers, but not so much these days due to illness.

I have a Powerbook and an iMac (Rev A 1.6 Ghz) but started on an eMac which I recently sold to a friend. I hardly ever use my PC anymore, as I much prefer the Mac, but can see the advantages of having both.

It did take me about 6 months before I really started to appreciate the Mac OS. I was unsure for a while, and one day, the Mac bug just bit me after months of contemplation of which I prefered.

I don't know if it happened to others like that - it seems that most who have converted experienced Mac love at first site, but it wasn't quite like that for me - although I do love my Macs now and wondered why I didn't take the plunge sooner.

I know PCs inside and out, and I found the Mac a whole new learning curve, although I love to learn - the more I learn, the more I want to learn :lol

Well I guess that's it really for now - who else would like to tell us a little about themselves?


May 14, 2004
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Okay a little about me !

I started my computing life with ZX Spectrum and have progressed through virtually every type of computer since...fluent in Mac and PC !

I still have the Spectrum and every other computer I've owned I haven't been up there in a while but there's a lot ! (Parents loft is quite full !)

Not many Mac's that I haven't had, the first I ever used 'Professionally' was the Mac II, although I had already played with the Mac Plus, SE30...

I still have a Mac II and a Mac IIfx and a few more...the IIfx was a 'fast' Mac in it's day !

I have worked using Mac's for over 19 years ! (time fly's when you're having fun !)

I have owned various companies in my Mac life so far ! Prepress, Printers and Web Design, Web hosting.

I am currently not really working in the 'industry' at the minute, after selling my last business, my son was born and I have just been enjoying life !

I do have a Hosting business, but don't consider that work. I also do some Network Security related work for a few customers.

I just turned 36 years of age last month, I am very happily married and have a young son. I live in Manchester in the UK, and I got married in Maui !

I currently have around 30 different websites, but this one is my 'pet project' !

I have owned the domain for a long time but have only in the last 12 months started actively promoting and updating it.

Mac's have been good to me, and this website it my 'payback' for the Mac community !

There are many Mac Help websites out there, but a lot of them have got big and now start charging for answers...sign up to access the answer etc only $9.99 a month !

This will never happen here. I am a great believer in the whole 'open source' , 'freeware' style philosophy !

This website is funded by me ! There will never be any charges for help on here !

...thats all I'm giving you for now !!!



Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
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Professional Experience: Formerly with CompuServe and America Online, Cory has been a computer industry professional for over 13 years. He was a Distribution Supervisor for CompuServe, where he oversaw several facets of the business including: software kit production/fulfillment, CompuServe Magazine fulfillment, hi-speed printing services, corporate computer help and repair, and data entry. At America Online, Cory was Commodities Manager in Marketing Operations. He was in charge of paper/packaging/software media buying, marketing material acquisition/scheduling/print buying, department computer tech, and vendor relations/presentations.

Cory has numerous certifications in Macintosh/Windows applications, is a charter professional member of NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals), and is currently working towards becoming an Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist (ACHDS), an Apple Certified Technical Coordinator (ACTC), and an Apple Certified System Administrator (ACSA).

In addition, Cory currently owns a small Web hosting and design company, is a professional DJ, is an active Macintosh/PC computer tech, and is a general consultant to the computer industry. He has been an Apple/Macintosh user since the late 70s/early 80s, and owns thirteen Macs and an Apple //e.

From Cory Cooper: ?The Crazy Ones are family to me. I love helping people with any issue - large or small.?
Mar 28, 2006
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I’m Zeyhra and I’ve been working with Apples since I was a kid and my elementary school got a bunch of Apple IIcs. I’ve been working on Macs exclusively, in the publishing industry since I was 16, and since I’m about to turn 30, which puts my Mac and publishing experience at 14 years. For the last 8 years I’ve worked at Thunder Press, a newspaper for Harley-Davidson and American-made motorcycles with 3 editions to cover the entire U.S. and Canada (with limited distribution in Europe). Officially I’m one of three Associate Editors, but unofficially I’m IT support (our official IT support is 300 miles away, making it a bit difficult for them to do much for us), which includes keeping 15 on-site Macs happy as well as 3 off-site Macs, AppleScripting, FileMaker database creation, maintenance and scripting, and miscellaneous hardware and software troubleshooting (though most of that are user errors… what we call ID-10-T errors)…
I live in Santa Cruz, California, (but I grew up in Los Angeles) and I've got a dog, divorced, no kids... I've recently gone back to school to finish my degree (which my now ex husband had convinced me to stop working on so I could support him while he finished his degree)...
Jun 8, 2006
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Well, I see that last post was on the 9th of April....So I guess I can go LOL

My real name is Zach. I hail from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'm 21 years old. I am a college student here in GR. I am an English major, History minor. I am hoping to go to law school in the next couple of years. Computers are a hobby for me.

My dad has owned several businesses, so we always had a computer (PC) in my house. We had those old Radio Shack Tandy Computers. I learned every DOS command by age 5. I didn't know what a mouse was until I was 4 .

I was born with oculotanius albinism (Don't worry, it's a hard word to say LOL). Basically, I am pure white, with white hair, blue eyes. I get sun burned very fast. LOL I was born legally blind due to my albinism. So I couldn't play peewee sports or drive a car.

When I was 11, while my friends were off doing sports, I was learning the art of building/repairing computers. I started writing computer programs when I was 13. Currently, I know VB, Java, C++. In high school, I started a website designing company. Unfortunately, college life took over and I had to close up shop. But I still do some side projects now and then.

Now, I run a small podcasting service. I podcast my Church services. Currently, I am employeed by Apple as a Mac-Specialist in my local Apple Store. I plan in the next six months or year or so, to start working getting my Apple Genius certifications.

Probably my biggest hobby outside of computer/electronics is The Simpsons, as you can see by my avatar. That is a pic of my special Simpsons Bowling Ball. I have every episode ever aired plus documentaries, thousands of images, and much much more. I have a small museum dedicated to The Simpsons in my Apartment full of posters (rare and common) and various memorabilia. I am president of the local Simpsons fan club in GR. Okay, I'm obsessive. LOL

Ironically, today is my one year anniversary owning a Mac. I am the first in the family to get a Mac. Now the whole fam is converting. If you told me that I'd own a Mac 2 years ago, let alone working for Apple, I would have been laughing up a storm. Well, I think you know my life story fairly well now. Enjoy the mini-essay. Sorry...I am an English major. I can't help myself. :)


Aug 7, 2006
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Hi everybody, it's nice to read your introductions. Here's stuff about me, if anybody actually wants to know this! I hope it's not too long.

I was born in Texas and learned to swim when I was two. My father showed me how to shoot my first gun when I was six. I was cooking the family dinner every night when I was seven and taught myself to sew when I was about ten. I got my first job when I was twelve and never stopped working until about six years ago. My childhood was a very difficult one. I learned to play trumpet and write music when I was thirteen and played for thirteen years. I have two university degrees and can throw kick-ass parties. When I lived in Austin I had approximately 2,000 acquaintances and friends. When I was twenty I went to 50 music concerts in one year. (My grades weren't too great that year.) I met an amazing man and it really was love at first sight, and we've been married eleven very happy years. We've been blessed with a beautiful daughter who is now eight years old. I also have a sister whom I love dearly. I've lived on both coasts of the U.S., traveled quite a bit, and now I'm permanently in Victoria, B.C. I have moved a total of nineteen times in the last thirty years, and I don't want to travel or move any more. I got my first Mac in 1984 (before that I was using scribe on UNIX and the Mac was like a gift from heaven). My last Mac was a PowerMac about six and a half years ago. I like to play video games if they are the adventure-type and not shoot 'em up. I'm really, really good at racing games but they make me tense because I concentrate too hard. Since the past is gone and the future doesn't exist I have learned to live in the present. I appreciate everything. I'm going to learn to scuba dive in the Spring and am very excited about it! To relax, I usually sew or garden, but lately I've been playing on my MacBook instead.

Cheers, from
Oct 10, 2006
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hi my name is ben. Im 21 and just started university at salford. i have just changed from the dark side. yes converted to mac thank god. i just got the new 24 inch IMac. its gr8.
Im studing animation i got a website that i will be putting all my future work on , i love art drawing, cartoons. And i love going to the gym im very much into my bodybuilding. so its very nice to meet u all n hopefully c u around.:cool:
Jun 8, 2006
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Hello and Welcome Mc_Ben!!

Enjoy yourself here and let us know how we can help you out anytime!!!

Oct 3, 2006
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Hi, I just graduated from a G3 Powerbook , which did yeoman service for 8 years, to a brand new beautiful 20" IMac! Wow! What fun! I added an EyeTV Hybrid which enable s me to watch TV in both analog and digital with a remote. Very cool.

I am a senior type but young at heart. I have 5 children and 7 grandchildren. Almost all of us live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Much as I love it here, I also love to travel . Last year I went to Alaska. So beautiful and so are the people who live there. Of course, the Canadians are also lovely people. This year I'm taking a cruise on the Black Sea leaving from Istanbul. But in the meantime, next week I am getting an eight week old Maltese puppy so I will be very busy!
In my spare time I'm going to try to get up to speed on my new Mac..there are so many features to explore!
Best wishes to all, Sue
Jan 7, 2007
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I am totally new to Mac, after using Radio Shack Model I and Model 100 in 79, then PC's since then. It is a new world and I am hoping I have done the right thing by switching and getting a laptop. The learning curve is a bit more than I expected.

I am a retired attorney, writer, mortgage director, published novelist, and grantwriter. I thought switching to a little MacBook would be better than just getting another laptop. I am finding it troublesome to use as I need some direction on the simplest of things.

For example, as a writer I need to create a folder and put subfiles in it. I still haven't been able to figure out how to do this. I bought MS Office with Word, and thought it was like using the PC but I still haven't figured out how to make a folder to put filels in!! I feel like such a klutz. I need help in this.

Baton Rouge
now in Clearwater, Florida


May 14, 2004
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Hi there ldsledge !

To make a new folder open the Hard disk then hold down command + shift + n

The Command key is the one with the Apple on it (sometimes called the Apple key !)

Coming from a PC background, think of the Command Key like the Control key on a PC...

Control + p on a PC = Command + p on a Mac = Print etc...

There are some Video Tutorials here, that may help you. Better than a book ! (not something I should say to a novelist...(I have a Novelist in the Family to !))

If you have any questions please feel free to ask, and someone will try and answer them.




May 14, 2004
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Hi 'suebostick'

thanks for sharing !

let us know if you need any help with your new 'member of the family' (the iMac not the puppy !)

Puppy training remotely, is a bit hard even for us.


Jan 15, 2007
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As a new member I would like to say hello, I am living in Merida Yucatan

Mexico. My interests are music of all kinds: Classical, popular , ethnic and

Jazz. I am always looking for music that is hard to find.

I play piano and my wife is an abstract painter.

Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself.

Jan 2, 2007
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Hello everyone. Name is Mike from Chicago. Just bought my first Mac. Chose the iMac 20" with the Intel Core 2 Duo. Must say after having Windows machines since back in the day, having a lot of fun with the Mac, and very impressed so far.

Haven't had much trouble to speak of yet, getting the machine to print to a wireless print server was about the biggest hassle so far, but got that going and all is well.

So far so good, I'm sure I'll be posting some questions soon though, things always do see to crop up!

Sep 10, 2006
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Greetings all!

I've been using a Mac since my 512 back in 1984. I've used a PC on rare occasions (when I visit my parents), but... sorry, don't like them :p At the moment, I'm using an Intel Mac tower and a MacBook (also intel) which are both lovely (Adobe needs to get CS3 out and fast!).

I teach design at a major university in the northeast, and for an online degree-granting college, and recently had two books published by Thomson Delmar - one is about Photoshop, and the other is about Illustrator. They both focus on illustration/design (rather than photography) and feature professional artists (11 each book) along with their tips and tricks for using the software. There are also video interviews with the artists on a back-of-book DVD - pretty cool!

For fun, I knit, cook and sail (avidly + passionately). I have a small herb garden. Married (3rd time's the charm!) with two grown children.

I'm happy to help anyone with software questions - Adobe and "macromedia" programs are my specialty.

Thanks for the opportunity to feel like part of this community!

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