How to move MAIL folder from internal SSD to external hardf drive

Jun 10, 2021
Reaction score
I have a

Macmini8,1 , 8 GB Memory
and an internal SSD Capacity: 121.02 GB

My Mail folder in the Library has become too large so I copied it to a large external drive, made a symlink and put that in place of the deleted Mail folder on the internal boot drive.......didn't work, the Mail folder is empty when I started. it up, so I reversed back to the original setup. Can I not do the symnlink thing? Should I just boot off the large external drive and suffer a speed hit? Should I or can I move the Home folder to the external drive, and how do I do that? Some other way of preserving the speed of the SSD but having most storage on the external drive?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

-Mac mini (2018), correct?
-Which version of macOS?
-How much free space is available?

I don't believe that Apple Mail can be used with an alias to store mail outside of your user folder. You cannot move your User folder to an external drive either.

If your disk space is running low, you can move your iTunes/Music and/or iPhoto/Photos Library to an external drive, and make sure you move/copy and large documents/downloads to an external as well.


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