How to make Desktop Spaces stop moving window.

Aug 1, 2017
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I want to use Desktop Spaces as follows: One desktop for email windows, another for general stuff like facebook, and for example if I am working on 2 projects, one space for each project. I use Chrome, so I want the chrome window for my gmail, to stay on Desktop 1, my Chome window for facebook to stay on desktop 2, and my chrome windows for my projects to stay on Desktops 3 and 4, if I open a finder window in a directory for each project, I want that finder window to stay on that desktop. Spaces wants to constantly rearrange things and move stuff to different window and if I want to move 1 one, it drags all windows for that application.

How can I turn that off? I dont want any window moved automatically. I want to manually move any window to other desktop spaces.

Thanks in advance


Jun 13, 2007
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Have a look in System Preferences ~> Mission Control to see if there is a tick in the box for "Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use". If there is, then uncheck it.

Also navigate to the Space you wish to use for each of your apps & Ctrl click their respective icons in the Dock & make sure that under "Options" in the menu that springs up, you have selected "This Desktop".

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