How do I sync my outlook client on windows to my iphone?

Nov 28, 2024
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I can get the following contacts in these places to sync to iphone

1. to iphone
2. to iphone

I am unable to sync my outlook client running on windows. I am using the icloud for windows software and have selected sync contacts but there is no option to know where or which contacts that is syncing to. I feel like I am close since I was able to get items 1 & 2 above to work. the outlook client is standalone so it's not on an IMAP or 365 server.

can someone help?
Feb 13, 2025
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If you want to sync your Outlook contacts to your iPhone, add your account to your iPhone’s mail settings and make sure contacts are turned on for syncing. With iCloud for Windows, double-check that it's syncing your contacts with iCloud, and then they should show up on your iPhone. Since your Outlook is standalone and not on a server like IMAP or Office 365, you might need to export your contacts from Outlook and manually upload them to iCloud through the iCloud website.
May 7, 2023
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What you need to do is on your iPhone add our outlook account.

You do this by going to Settings > Apps > Mail > Mail Accounts > Add Account. At the next screen select Microsoft Exchange. Add your account info and then you will have an option to sync your Mail, Contacts, and Calendars, and Notes. Check what you want to sync and then follow the prompts.= to finish setting up your account.

Just a note.. iCloud for Windows is used to sync your contacts and such if you have an Apple iCloud email address that ends in,, or
Feb 13, 2025
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To sync contacts from your standalone Outlook to your iPhone, make sure you have iCloud for Windows installed and "iCloud Contacts" is turned on in Outlook. Once it's set up, your contacts should sync with iCloud, and then to your iPhone. Just make sure you're signed into the same iCloud account on both your PC and iPhone. If it’s still not working, try restarting both devices and check if the contacts show up in the iCloud web portal.

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