High Sierra - System Font Conflicts

Sep 9, 2009
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With the upgrade to High Sierra came additional/new System Fonts. We use Avenir quite a bit for page layout and, through Universal Font Server, have used Avenir (postscript) for text/copy. With the addition of Avenir (TrueType) to the System Fonts, all of our text flows have changed, as the new System Font is not identical to Avenir (postscript) we were using.

Additionally, we designated default fonts for browsers, etc, and many sites are now showing up with unreadable text (boxes with question marks).

We have cleaned Font caches, restated, yada, yada ... in order to clear the readability issues as well as continue to use Avenir postscript, but the issue still persists.

Any suggestions on either removing Avenir TT as a System Font, or som e other solution?

Please let me know if you need additional information.


Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

I wouldn't advise removing the Avenir System font, as it is part of macOS.

I would contact Extensis customer support and ask them about the issue, since you are running Universal Type Server. IU am sure they could help resolve it better than we could.

Let us know how it goes.


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