Gaming League of Legends on iMac 27" 5K RETINA with AMD Radeon R9 M380

Dec 12, 2016
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Hello everyone :)

I have tried to Google this one, but I cannot find anything about gaming League of Legends on an iMac 5k with M380 GTX. I will get the iMac today and the primary use is work (Photoshop and InDesign). However, I am playing League of Legends and I was wondering if I can play we with at decent FPS on high settings?

I am aware that the 5K resolution is not possible, so I will have to lower the video resolution. Will this affect the FPS when playing on high settings?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

I am not a gamer, so I don't have any experience with League of Legends. However, I would guess that it should allow a high FPS rate. I know there are several League of Legends forums around the Internet. I would ask the folks there, as I am sure someone would be using a similar iMac and be able to expand on its capabilities.


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