Decided to come over to the Dark Side

Apr 8, 2015
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I just bought an iMac with Retina 5k and just waiting for it to arrive and thought I would just stop by to say hello. I have been a PC person for a good 25-30 years and in that time never own an apple computer. Though I did use my sister's Macintosh computer (I believe the original) a long time ago and from my memory that was a pretty darn good little computer. I have been building computer since 2000, but this time around I just wanted to concentrate on designing and developing websites among other projects that involve a lot of graphics (pictures) and videos. So I decided to go with Apple for I know from memory and from other people they make good computers.
I have a degree in computer graphics: interactive media and game design. I consider a computer a tool and people who state say that you need the most computer power you can get, well I kind of disagree in the regard. Today's computers are pretty fast enough; heck the computer that I'm on now is 5-6 years old and still capable of doing all these things that the new computer that I just bought (minus the nice display). I work for myself and I don't mind if a video takes an hour to render versus an 1/2 hour on a supped up computer. It gives me time to think and I don't think it will take that long for videos that I develop with the new iMac. If it does then so what, it will give me time to think and make some strategy decisions. So I decided to come over to the Dark Side as some of my friends would say. ;)
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Apr 9, 2015
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Welcome aboard! I think you will be pleased with the machine and it's performance. I use both Mac and Windows and much prefer Mac.

Sep 17, 2014
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Yes, welcome aboard! And, glad you saw the light through the dark side.

Myself, I also have quite a bit of experience with "computers", but most of it is from being a software developer for business applications (most of it banking-related) using COBOL on mainframe machines. I started with an Apple IIE way back in 1980 (or so), upgraded to an Apple IIGS in 1988 (or so), and then to my first Mac in 1996. However, the company I was working for in the 80's was one of the first ones to get the first Macs, and I was able to "play around" with them. The Apple II line always served me well (as did the Macs I owned while working), including being a great "friend" with my production support responsibilities. Of course, as anyone can imagine, all the companies I worked for (until I permanently retired in 2011) used Windows-based machines. I actually hated to use them, but they were "OK". I always enjoyed getting home and using my Apple/Mac machines.

In any event, as long as you keep your machine "lean and clean", perform maintenance on a periodic schedule, and do backups as frequently as necessary, your machine will last a long time. And, for about 99.99% of the time, you won't need to deal with viruses (obviously, exercising care and common sense).

So, welcome aboard!

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