Crazy Keyboard Issue


Aug 31, 2024
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Hi All - I am currently using a late 2015 iMac which has been working well, and after typing some text the other night, all seemed fine - the following morning I went to log into online banking and received a login error - after a couple of further attempts I discovered that the letters/numbers being typed in were NOT what was being typed - some keys weren’t typing any thing, and some were typing 2 different letters simultaneously - my initial response was the keyboard [extended wired] must be faulty [the computer itself seemed be working well otherwise] I then tested the keyboard with my previous iMac and the same thing happened - so I thought that confirmed a keyboard fault, but I also have a spare keyboard which I tested on both macs, and the same issue was present [albeit with different keys affected] - I have tried absolutely everything, including resets and checking all settings correct - I have been on forums and tried everything suggested, to no avail - so basically I have 2 iMacs which were both working well, and 2 keyboards, which also were both working well - both macs seem to be fine in all other respects, but suddenly both keyboards respond as if gone haywire - I am now at a complete loss as to what to do about it - if anyone has any idea what could cause such a bizarre situation to arise, and can help, I would be eternally grateful, as it’s doing my head in.
Feb 14, 2021
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Hi All - I am currently using a late 2015 iMac which has been working well, and after typing some text the other night, all seemed fine - the following morning I went to log into online banking and received a login error - after a couple of further attempts I discovered that the letters/numbers being typed in were NOT what was being typed - some keys weren’t typing any thing, and some were typing 2 different letters simultaneously - my initial response was the keyboard [extended wired] must be faulty [the computer itself seemed be working well otherwise] I then tested the keyboard with my previous iMac and the same thing happened - so I thought that confirmed a keyboard fault, but I also have a spare keyboard which I tested on both macs, and the same issue was present [albeit with different keys affected] - I have tried absolutely everything, including resets and checking all settings correct - I have been on forums and tried everything suggested, to no avail - so basically I have 2 iMacs which were both working well, and 2 keyboards, which also were both working well - both macs seem to be fine in all other respects, but suddenly both keyboards respond as if gone haywire - I am now at a complete loss as to what to do about it - if anyone has any idea what could cause such a bizarre situation to arise, and can help, I would be eternally grateful, as it’s doing my head in.
Try first to reboot in Safe Mode. It might be connected with a running process. What version of macOS is running? Maybe a reinstall will fix the problem. If both Macs are running the same system version, and if the other data are also similar, that could explain the similar behaviors.

I try to keep a copy of the macOS installer for the system version I’m running. In a lot of cases, when weird behaviors develop, a quick reinstallation of macOS fixes the problem. It never hurts, but make sure you have reliable backups, just in case.
Sep 13, 2024
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I’m dealing with a crazy keyboard issue where keys are either not responding, or typing incorrect characters. I’ve tried restarting my computer and checking for driver updates, but the problem persists. Has anyone else experienced something similar or have any tips on how to fix this? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

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