Can't Use My Mac :(


Nov 16, 2014
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Details first so we all know what I have.
Mac Pro 3.1 ( I think it's a 2008 end of year version. Not sure) running Snow Leopard. Partition that has Windows 7 Home Pro running on it. I use the Mac side for work, the Windows side for Games. Went into the Windows environment and saved as much as I could so that I can do a full reinstall.

Now for the issue.

One day I was doing something and I deleted out something from the top bar on my mac. The one that shows the date, or you click to eject a CD, etc. that bar.
I did not know how to get it back but read on a forum that if I shut down and restarted in "SAFE MODE" and then shut down and did a normal normal restart, it would return.
I shut down, did the SAFE MODE restart (reboot holding S down I think it was) which has the Safe Mode bar at the bottom show the progress. Then once it was fully into Safe Mode I did a normal shut down, waited about 30 or so seconds and then did a normal restart (hit the power button and waited). The computer started up power wise, but it showed the Safe Mode bar at the bottom. It was booting up in Safe Mode (I assume) EVEN THROUGH I did not choose that.
A few moments into the Progress Bar (perhaps 10% of it done, the BAR blinks off and then comes on again restarting the progress aspect. It then does one of two things. It either shuts down the computer when it gets to about 10% (as if it was running a shut down bar mode), OR it goes into the Grey Window with the Windy Wheel turning (for ever) and never boots up.
All the following steps have been done with as few connected devises as possible such that only a monitor (tried a few different ones), Keyboard (tried a few different ones when I used them), and Mouse (tried a few different ones when I had them connected) were connected. Even tried everything without any of these just so see. (connected the monitor IF it didn't shut down. Most of the time, it just shut down.)
Steps I have tried with no luck. All of these were tried WITH and WITHOUT the Mouse, keyboard, or Monitor at one time or another:
1) Regular Reboot (tried this a number of times)
2) Tried a Safe Mode reboot to see if I can get it to finish booting up. Even if only in Safe mode.
3) Rebooted with OPTION key down. Lets me choose the Mac or PC (PC being the Windows 7 partition). Mac did not work, but I CAN boot up in to my Windows 7 system.
4) Booted up holding down the "C" Key with my Snow Leopard disk inserted in hope of just doing a full reinstall. Just goes into Safe Mode boot up as if the "C" key is not being held. Then shuts down or winds away for ever.
5) Restarted holding down the Apple+Option+R+P, waited for it to Chime 5 Times and let go. It just goes into the Safe Mode restart again.
6) Held the power button on until the light blinked and the bell chim went off. No luck. Still goes into the Safe Mode bar thing.
7) Inserted Snow Leopard DVD, did restart and held Option down to choose the DVD as the Startup Disk. It beginns the DVD reading, the kicks open the Disk and pops it out and initiates the "Safe Mode Bar" thing. It just won't keep the disk in there and use it as the Start Up option.
8) Booted up holding down the (I think) R key to get into some kind of scripting window that shows the boot up process, but I had no idea what to do in there.

I have no idea what to do now since I can't even try a full reinstall since I can't get past the (partial) Safe Mode boot up sequence.

Please help me.


Nov 16, 2014
Reaction score
Details first so we all know what I have.
Mac Pro 3.1 ( I think it's a 2008 end of year version. Not sure) running Snow Leopard. Partition that has Windows 7 Home Pro running on it. I use the Mac side for work, the Windows side for Games. Went into the Windows environment and saved as much as I could so that I can do a full reinstall.

Now for the issue.

One day I was doing something and I deleted out something from the top bar on my mac. The one that shows the date, or you click to eject a CD, etc. that bar.
I did not know how to get it back but read on a forum that if I shut down and restarted in "SAFE MODE" and then shut down and did a normal normal restart, it would return.
I shut down, did the SAFE MODE restart (reboot holding S down I think it was) which has the Safe Mode bar at the bottom show the progress. Then once it was fully into Safe Mode I did a normal shut down, waited about 30 or so seconds and then did a normal restart (hit the power button and waited). The computer started up power wise, but it showed the Safe Mode bar at the bottom. It was booting up in Safe Mode (I assume) EVEN THROUGH I did not choose that.
A few moments into the Progress Bar (perhaps 10% of it done, the BAR blinks off and then comes on again restarting the progress aspect. It then does one of two things. It either shuts down the computer when it gets to about 10% (as if it was running a shut down bar mode), OR it goes into the Grey Window with the Windy Wheel turning (for ever) and never boots up.
All the following steps have been done with as few connected devises as possible such that only a monitor (tried a few different ones), Keyboard (tried a few different ones when I used them), and Mouse (tried a few different ones when I had them connected) were connected. Even tried everything without any of these just so see. (connected the monitor IF it didn't shut down. Most of the time, it just shut down.)
Steps I have tried with no luck. All of these were tried WITH and WITHOUT the Mouse, keyboard, or Monitor at one time or another:
1) Regular Reboot (tried this a number of times)
2) Tried a Safe Mode reboot to see if I can get it to finish booting up. Even if only in Safe mode.
3) Rebooted with OPTION key down. Lets me choose the Mac or PC (PC being the Windows 7 partition). Mac did not work, but I CAN boot up in to my Windows 7 system.
4) Booted up holding down the "C" Key with my Snow Leopard disk inserted in hope of just doing a full reinstall. Just goes into Safe Mode boot up as if the "C" key is not being held. Then shuts down or winds away for ever.
5) Restarted holding down the Apple+Option+R+P, waited for it to Chime 5 Times and let go. It just goes into the Safe Mode restart again.
6) Held the power button on until the light blinked and the bell chim went off. No luck. Still goes into the Safe Mode bar thing.
7) Inserted Snow Leopard DVD, did restart and held Option down to choose the DVD as the Startup Disk. It beginns the DVD reading, the kicks open the Disk and pops it out and initiates the "Safe Mode Bar" thing. It just won't keep the disk in there and use it as the Start Up option.
8) Booted up holding down the (I think) R key to get into some kind of scripting window that shows the boot up process, but I had no idea what to do in there.

I have no idea what to do now since I can't even try a full reinstall since I can't get past the (partial) Safe Mode boot up sequence.

Please help me.
I Think I figured it out. The Hard Drive went bad. The PC Win 7 is on one of Two Hard drives I have in the computer. When I pull out the one that has the Mac stuff on it, I can still boot up in PC mode. IF I pull out the PC Hard Drive, I Have the issues with booting up. My (grrrr) NEW 3TB Westen Digital HD from Fry's seems to be the broken issue. I will go buy a new Drive, drop it in and see if it works. If it does, I will let you all know. :D
Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Vic,

From what you are saying, one of the internal hard drives inside your Mac Pro has PC Win 7 on it, whereas the new 3 TB Western Digital (WD) drive has all your Mac "stuff" on it. I assume you first formatted the WD drive first for Mac usage before "placing" all your Mac stuff on it. WD drives are notoriously problematic for Macs. Seagate ones work well, and that is the brand you should get.


Nov 16, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Vic,

From what you are saying, one of the internal hard drives inside your Mac Pro has PC Win 7 on it, whereas the new 3 TB Western Digital (WD) drive has all your Mac "stuff" on it. I assume you first formatted the WD drive first for Mac usage before "placing" all your Mac stuff on it. WD drives are notoriously problematic for Macs. Seagate ones work well, and that is the brand you should get.

I have entered the twilight zone. Ok, so, I picked up a Seagate 3T drive from Fry's. No luck. Something new happened and NOW I am wondering what is going on. Let me give details.
Long ago I needed more space for my Mac stuff. So, I picked up the 3T and did a full re-install of everything onto it. I used the OLD 1T drive to install Windows 7 on it. Thus, one full drive was Mac, one full Drive was PC. I thought the 3T crashed. The 1T works fine. I am in Windows 7 right now typing this.
I went out and purchased a new 3T drive (Seagate). I inserted the DVD I have for Snow Leopard and then shut down.
I removed the 1T drive (Win 7 drive), Inserted the new 3T drive.
Holding the "C" Key down (DVD Is already in it) I restarted the Mac.
The computer read the DVD for a few and then pop'ed it out and showed some odd code on the screen and within a box had some text and a shadow picture of the power button symbol. I will put the odd code below.
"You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button until it turns off, then press the power button again."
(Here is someone's visual of the same "You need to...." that I saw). - - - - - -

I tried the DVD again but this time with the "Command" key down looking to CHOOSE the Disk as the Start Up Devise. Again, booted out the DVD and showed the odd code and the "You need to re.....".
Tried it with NO drives inserted thinking perhaps it will just boot up using the DVD only. Kicked the DVD out and gave the text and restart request.

Here is the text that showed up:
Panic (cpu 0 caller 0x558271): "unable to find driver for this platform:\"HCP1\".\n"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1504.3.12/iokit/Kernel/IOPlatformExpert.
cpp:1389 debugger called:<panic>
Backtrace (cpu0), Frame: ReturnAddress (4 potential args on stack)
Then lots of number strings would be in this spot.
(The screen cuts off the letter so not sure what is there with the SD)
?SD process name corresponding to current thread: Unknown
Mac OS version:
Not yet set
Kernel Version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.0: Fri Feb 26 11:58:09 pst 2010; root:xnu-1504.3.12~1/RELEASE_I386
System uptime in nanoseconds:108349159

I am going to try a few different kinds of restarts, but so far, it is STILL trying to restart in Safe Mode as well. Grrrrrr....


Nov 16, 2014
Reaction score
Ok, so far no luck.
I tried a few things I believe I tried before, but here goes.
Tried to restart holding down the "Command + R" keys. No luck.
Tried restarting holding down the "D" key. No luck.
Tried these things with the NEW Unused 3T Hard Drive. No luck. Tried it with that hard drive in Different HD Bays. No luck.
Tried the DVD restart again, with and without Hard Drives in the machine. No luck.
I feel like perhaps Apple sent some Virus into my machine on a Mac UPdate and it corrupted my System. Something that is designed to get people to give up and buy a new machine. I know there is some kind of Thunderbolt Adapter update that caused LOTS of issues. I wonder if Apple has crashed my computer such that nothing can access the MAC Side.... Ever?

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