Cant convert my webloc videos to MOV to upload videos on my YouTube channel. I tried converter

Mar 24, 2024
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Webloc files are not videos, they are more like URLs that you can add to documents. All they do is take you to the source of the video on another web browser.
You would need to download the video in a recognised video format before you can convert or post to social media in viewable form.
Dec 27, 2024
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Thx but I don’t know how to download it to quiktime or any recognized video format. Pls help. I spent 4 days trying to figure this out.
Mar 24, 2024
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You need to use a video downloader, either an extension to your current browser (depending on what that is, eg, Safari, Firefox, Chrome) and depending on the source, eg, YouTube or other some extensions are for specific sources.

Alternatively you could try a third party app like ClipGrab.

What you seem to want to do is not "super" difficult but does require a bit of acquired knowledge.

You are really trying to do two things;
1. Download video content from the internet. This has its own pitfalls and some content may be restricted or copyrighted.
2. Import/export said video to your YouTube channel. I'm sure you would find lots of info on this process on YouTube itself.

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