Automatic OS updates

Jul 13, 2017
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I have a mid-2014 15in MacBook Pro running Catalina 10.15.7.

I noticed recently that each (I think) time I woke up my mac, System Preferences Software Update went into 'Checking for software updates' mode, and indeed the 'automatically check for updates' box was checked, as well as all the options behind it. I don't remember changing this if it was once unchecked. This checking process takes 2-3 minutes and slows the mac down to the point of not being able to connect to the internet, for example, and so is annoying.

So I unchecked the box, but this made no difference. How do I stop it repeatedly checking for updates, and is it expected that it grabs resources like this?

And another thing, related to an earlier post; when the update checking is finished, it sometimes returns 'software up to date: Catalina 10.15.7' and sometimes displays a prompt to upgrade to Big Sur. How does it decide what to display? When I check 'more info', I am taken to the Mac Monterey page.
What's going on?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score

Strange that is would do that when waking from sleep. Could it be when you startup or restart. If so, it is because you have Reopen windows when logging back in checked in the popup windows when using the Restart and Shut Down functions.

Because you are still running Catalina, it will prompt you to upgrade to a newer version of macOS, since Catalina will no longer be officially supported after November 30, 2022. Actually, all versions of macOS will show updates to the version you are currently running and offer to upgrade to the latest version when using Software Update. Yours is showing Big Sur, because that is the last compatible version for your MBP model.

Jul 13, 2017
Reaction score
It may not be to do with waking from sleep, that was just my first hunch. With 'automatically keep my mac up to-date' unchecked, or checked (it doesn't seem to matter), my mac seems go into 'checking for updates' all the time, and I can't tell what is triggering it. It may be something to do with network connection(?).

On interrogating the Software Update Systems Preference, I still seem to get, apparently arbitrarily, either 'your mac is up to-date Catalina 10.5.7' or 'macOS Big Sur 11.7 - 12.41GB: Update Now' . I suppose I should upgrade to Big Sur and hope that fixes it.



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