Hello everyone I am a fifty year old woman who is leaning disabled and trying to get get answers for two technical problems when I upgraded recently. A week ago I upgraded my Mac Soname 14.61 and my audacity program for recording audio through a usb port turntable was working fine however it all crashed last week when I tired to reset it. I am leaning disablled and I need my answers simple and with pictures. My audacity number is 3.6.2 for Mac and im also having problems with my toast programs it doesn’t record dvd s anymore (which I was kind of expecting) okay can you tell me what alternatives are available for this Sonoma 14.61 since I cannot use audacity anymore (BOTH these comapanies have just lost a customer ive thrown out both their programs) what software can I use instead since audacity is incompatible with Mac Sonoma 14.61 anymore what software and apps do you recoomend I use until they upgrade to 15 16 or 17 I have tried many of the suggestions on the various other websites with no success,
Remember I al learning disabled and intellectually handicapped my iq is only 95 pleas KISS (Keep It Simple STUPID)
A frustrated Mac person In toronto
s.b toronto
Remember I al learning disabled and intellectually handicapped my iq is only 95 pleas KISS (Keep It Simple STUPID)
A frustrated Mac person In toronto
s.b toronto