2016 Macbook PRO long startup issue

Mar 21, 2025
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I'm helping someone with their 2016 MacBook PRO and am now stumped myself.
They bought the MacBook a year ago from a phone shop and have said it has been trouble ever since - screen going blank, randomly shutting down and getting the folder/question mark.
They took it back to the phone shop who charged for reinstalling the OS but then said it has water damage and needs a new motherboard.

Using Internet Recovery I was able to erase the SSD and reinstall Mojave.
Then I ran the updates and updated it to Monterey.
I've used it for about 4 hours playing an EA game and it seems to currently work ok.

The current issues seem to be;
1. Running diagnostics it gets to displaying "less than 1 minute remaining" but never seems to complete or I need to leave it even longer?
2. It takes 2-3 minutes to boot up into Mac OS.

When you open the lid or press the power button you get the Apple startup chime and the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Then it remains like that for anything between 120-150 seconds - when a progress bar appears underneath the logo.

Then the mouse pointer appears in the top left corner.

Then shortly after the login screen opens with username and password prompt.

I login and it seems to work ok.

Has anyone seen this behaviour before and can tell me what could be wrong?
Can anyone help with next steps in diagnosing this issue and getting this MacBook working like expected - if thats possible.



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