For some reason the battery on my computer is draining heavily during sleep for some reason. I already tried reinstalling Big Sur but the battery is still draining. I even got a new battery and it’s still draining. Can anybody help me with this?
Running Big Sur latest version clean installed.
Added some battery logs linked here and attached.
I suspect this is connected with the Bluetooth bug in macOS. I have experienced the on my Mac mini, with eight external Thunderbolt drives. When the Mac tries to sleep, after a few minutes it wakes up again. And the case gets really hot, even when supposedly asleep.
The repeated “wake request” entries in your log tells me your Mac is supposed to be asleep yet still gets regular attempts to wake.
It got so bad that my only recourse was to shut down at night. After learning about the Bluetooth problem, I turned off Bluetooth (not too much an issue with me because I use the Apple keyboard and trackpad which can be connected by USB).
The issue immediately ceased. Now I only turn Bluetooth on when I need to use my Magic Mouse or my AirPods Pro. Until the bug is fixed, that is. Give it a try. You could be experiencing the same bug.